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Clone a program

It is possible to copy programs into Hexfit in order to avoid starting from scratch and thus save time.

Mathieu Gagné avatar
Written by Mathieu Gagné
Updated over a week ago

What is a clone?

A clone is an identical copy of a program that can be used as is or modified to change parts of it.

A program that is assigned to one client could be cloned for sharing with another with a similar purpose.

Option 1 – Procedure from the “programs” tab

  1. Click on the “exercises” tab.

  2. Click on the “Actions” button (to the right of the desired program).

  3. Then choose “Clone + Assign program to client/group”.

  4. You will be able to edit the copy of the program without affecting the original.

💡 It is possible to select templates only.

To do so, click on “All programs”, then on “Templates”.

Option 2 – Procedure from the client's file or from a group

From a client's file or in a group, on the “plans” tab, you will find:

  • Active exercise programs located at the top of the page.

  • Archived programs at the bottom of the page.

Active programs

  1. Click on “Contacts”.

  2. Select the desired client (or group).

  3. Click on the “Plans” tab.

  4. Pick the desired program and click on “View program”.

  5. Click on “Clone”.

  6. Decide to “Edit + Assign”, or simply “Assign” without modification.

Archived programs

  1. Click on “Contacts”.

  2. Select the desired client (or group).

  3. Click on the “Plans” tab.

  4. Choose the desired program and click on “View program”.

  5. The archived exercise programs' section can be found at the bottom of the page.

  6. Click on the “Actions” button on the right and select “Clone”.

⚠️ For the program to be visible to the client, it must be published.

Click here to learn more about program visibility for the client.

Further information

  • To learn how to clone attributes from one exercise to another, click here.

  • To learn how to clone a session, click here.

  • To learn more about template programs, click here.

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