Modify the profile
In step
Go to administration (under your name, top right);
Choose the "Professionals" tab;
Click on the person for whom you want to make changes;
Click on settings located above its name;
Make the desired changes by clicking on the item, then saving.
At the top of the screen, you will have the options "General", "Accounts" and "Availability". (1)
This tab allows you to modify many elements:
The professional's profile picture, the language of the software, the time zone. (2)
In the "personal information" section, you can manage the name, date of birth, email and password. (3)
In the "professional information" section, you can modify the profession, add the order number, the branch, the unitary system, as well as the employee's profile. (4)
You can sync an employee's Google Calendar to their Hexfit account.
To learn more, click here.
This section allows you to choose the preferences for scheduling appointments.
To learn more, click here.
Further information
To add a professional, click here.
To remove a professional, click here.
To learn more about profiles and access, click here.