What are the interventions?
Interventions record what has been done with a client (or group) and what needs to be done with them.
They are always linked to the client account and will be visible to the people who have been chosen for visibility.
To learn more about visibility, click here.
⚠️ Certain types of service (such as billing and appointments) are only available in special packages. Click here to find out more. |
In detail
DOCUMENT type intervention
By using this type of intervention, you can complete a document directly in Hexfit. You can also have your clients fill certain documents via the application.
Documents can be physical tests, questionnaires, forms, etc.
The completed versions of the documents will be found under the “Files” tab of the client file.
Some documents are present by default in Hexfit, but you can also create your own. Click here to find out more.
EVALUATION type interventions
They enable you to carry out physical tests and evaluations quickly. Most of the calculations will be made automatically by the software.
TASK type interventions
This tool is used to add an item to your to-do list. These tasks will appear in your dashboard and in your client summary. You can also “Mark as done” to remove them from the list.
They will also appear in your dashboard.
BILLING type interventions*
The billing module allows you to track your clients' payments, charge them, send them receipts and much more.
For the first steps, click here.
* You must have the Hexfit Pro plan to use this feature. Click here to learn more.
“NOTE” type interventions
These codes allow you to add notes to your client's file, which will be displayed in chronological order.
⚠️ Attention, if you select an intervention code with a price on the right*, this will affect the client's balance. Click here to learn more about Paid Intervention Code.
*Requires billing functionality to be enabled. |
Create a written note from a voice transcription
Instead of writing the note, you can dictate it using the “voice transcription” option. The software will then automatically transcribe it into text.
This can be done from any device with a microphone (computer, mobile, or tablet).
In steps 🎤:
Log in to your professional account at: app.myhexfit.com
Click on “Contacts” and select the desired customer.
Click on “Create intervention”, then choose “Note”.
Click on the text field to open the keyboard.
Click on the microphone icon on your keyboard to start recording.
To stop recording, click on the microphone icon again.
You'll be able to make written corrections if necessary.
When you've finished, publish the note.
⚠️ Make sure you allow audio recording. |
Find the microphone icon
Clean button
Thanks to artificial intelligence, it's possible to create note templates automatically.
To do this, click on the “Clean” button.
Notes with the intervention code “Injury” or “Medical information” can be found in the “Medical” section of the summary once published.