Approximate reading time of the article: 3'10” |
To learn what data is in Hexfit, click here.
Create a custom data
Go to the administration section.
Click on the “Data” tab.
Click the “+ Create” button at the top right of the page.
⚠️ Before creating a new data, we recommend that you check whether the one you want already exists. Click here to find out more. |
The name of the data is mandatory, otherwise an error code will appear. The name will also allow you to easily find the data later.
Type of data
The type of data determines the units of measurement available when this data is entered.
Acceleration: m/s²
Angle: (No unit of measurement, but considered as °)
Bpm: bpm
Energy: cal, kJ, kcal
Blood sugar: mmol/l, g/l, mg/l
Length: km, mile, ft, in, yd, m, cm, mm
Mass: g, kg, oz, lb, mg, µg
Number: (No unit of measurement)
Power: W
Pressure: mmHg, Pa, kPa
Surface: m², ft²
It takes just seconds to fill in
Once filled in, the data appears in HH:MM:SS format
Temperature: °C, °F
Velocity: m/s, km/h, mph, min/km, min/mi
⚠️ The majority of formulas should be applied to the document and not directly in the data. Click here to find out more.
If the data you are creating requires a calculation, use the formula option to have this calculation automatically done for you. Select the appropriate data, units, and symbols to create your formula. When new entries are added for the data in your formula, the calculation will automatically take place.
Complex Formulas
If you wish to create data with even more complex calculations, the following functions can be useful to you with our “Analysis” extension.
Available Functions:
pow(__,__) (Ex: pow(x,2) corresponds to x2)
The category selected will determine where in the list of data you will find your custom data when you would like to add an entry for it in your client's file. These categories will appear as drop down menus in your client's data section.
Visibility & Data-Entry Access
The visibility setting you choose will determine who will be able to see the information you enter for the data you are creating. You are able to share the visibility with all the Actors working with your client, as well as, your client themselves.
When you create a new data, everyone in your company will have access to input information and track the results from that custom data in their client's.
Data-Entry by Client
If you would like your client to have the possibility to input their own information for this data, simply click on the box next to “Allow changes by the customer.”
Data entry
Once the data has been created, you can enter its value in the information section of the customer's file or by filling out a document. Click here to find out more.
Edit a data
In steps:
Go to the administration of your account.
Click on the “Data” tab.
Click on “Edit” located to the right of the data to be modified.
Enter the new information you want.
Click on “Edit” again to validate the changes.