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Create a new exercise

You can create new exercises yourself in the software to match your specific needs.

Mathieu Gagné avatar
Written by Mathieu Gagné
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can create a new exercise from two places:

  1. From a specific program (to be added to your exercise bank at a later date).

  2. From the exercise bank.

Exercise title

Enter a title to help you find the exercise later.

⚠️ Warning! The system perceives hyphens as “minus” symbols.

In the case of “Squat-Chair”, it will find all exercises with the first word (e.g. Squat), but excluding the second (e.g. Chair). It is therefore preferable to use a single word (e.g. SquatChair).


They will facilitate subsequent searches for the exercise in the bank.

💡 Tip

Enter your company name or first name as a keyword. This way, you'll be able to easily find your custom-made exercises.

The same can be done for all exercises in the exercise bank.

Here's an example:

Difficulty Level

The difficulty of the exercise will enable you to find it easily using the filter available when you create the session.

Image and video options

You'll have several image and video options:

  1. An image (It will also be used to preview your exercise).

  2. An animation or video from a file.

  3. A video from YouTube or Vimeo.

  • For images, the format must be “JPG, JPEG or PNG”.

  • For video, the format must be .gif or .mp4 (Max. 200 m.o.)

To find out more, click here.

Visibility of the exercise

You can choose who can see the exercise.

By selecting “my branch” or “my company” your colleagues can also pick this exercise when creating programs. Otherwise, they won't see it.

Text bar

You can change the size of the text bar by clicking on the right corner and dragging the window.


When creating, you will first have the choice of the language in which you want to create it.

⚠️ Images and videos will be shared between languages.

Titles and guidelines must be translated, otherwise a blank will be left in their place.

In the event that only one language has been filled, customers using the app in another language will not see a title or description. Be sure to fill out the description and title in all the language you need so that all your clients understand the exercise.

Click here to learn more.


There may be a delay between the moment the exercise is created and the moment it becomes available. This is caused by the integration time taken by the servers.

Depending on traffic, this can vary from a few seconds to a few hours.

Delete an exercise you have created

To delete an exercise you've already done, you can go to the exercise bank or do so when creating a program.

  1. Find the exercise you wish to delete.

  2. Click on Edit.

  3. Click on “Delete” at the bottom of the page.

  4. Confirm.

⚠️ This action is permanent.

❗ The exercise may continue to appear for some time after you delete it. It will disappear when indexing is complete.

💡 Note that deletion can only be applied to exercises you have created.

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