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New to Hexfit

Hexfit is a very complete software and allows great flexibility. Here are some tips to help new users.

Mathieu Gagné avatar
Written by Mathieu Gagné
Updated over a week ago

1. Practice

Hexfit is very complete and offers a lot of flexibility, so the first thing to do is to practice. The more you use the software, the better you will become at using it.

We also recommend the use of a "dummy'' account of yourself so as not to make mistakes with real customers. (See step 2)

2. '' Dummy '' account

We advise all people who are new to the software to create a "client - test" account. It is thus possible to test the application by yourself by sending documents, programs and nutritional plans.

In step:

Create a new customer with your name and add a distinctive for your professional account (Ex: Martine Ramsey - Test).

⚠️ Use a different email address than the one you use for your professionnal account.

3. Online help

Our online help can answer many questions.

You can access it by clicking on the help button to the right of your name (top right of the page).

You can also click on the following link:

4. Hexfit Academy

Our Academy contains dozens of training videos for the different features of the software, but also webinars for different professionals. You can also access it by going through the tooltip.

5. Messaging

Our Hexperts will be able to answer your questions through the "chat". Go through the help bubble in order to get to talk to someone.

Further information

  • To log in as a professional on your mobile device (phone or tablet), click here.

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